Martin Hardy Ellis


A Warm Welcome To You

Martin & Laura

Martin & Laura               THE PAST

Martin has international business experience in the roles of consultant, sales manager, motivational speaker, trainer, managing director, director and shareholder of several international companies for over 45 years.

With an intensely inquiring mind, he  pursues many diverse interests, with the overriding purpose of gaining a greater understanding of our place in this universe.

Martin and Laura, his wife and soul mate since 1965,  traveled the world widely. The highlights being an epic journey  around Europe in a large motor home for two years.

 Also an eighteen month love affair with the twenty three metre – three masted schooner Alegrias, sailing the indian Ocean Islands.

The pirates in the picture at the launching of Alegrias tells the story.

Dearest Laura who passed in 2010, is now on the most epic and mysterious of journeys, which we will all experience down the line. Hopefully not too soon, as this life still has so much to explore, but when the time comes – Wow! What a trip! See you then lovely Laura.

                      CHAPTER TWO

Martin & Susan

Martin & Susan

Martin and his delightful new wife and life partner Susan, (how lucky can you get?) enjoyed their time managing Marketing Mastery Coaching, a membership website teaching aspiring internet marketers how to start a business and earn money online.

They created new products for internet marketers and managed Susan’s online healing website, several other websitesa property portfolio and actively built a presence in internet marketing  as publishers on the web.

OH! also reading a lot, having a belly laugh or two in the company of good friends and living life to the full whilst ducking the odd stray bullet in funny, sunny South Africa.

                    THE PRESENT

Susan and I retired to the western highlands of Scotland late 2015.

This was almost a calling, given that Susan was born in Glasgow south side and the largest clump of my dna is Scottish, mostly from the western highlands.

Loch Sunart Sunset

We love it here next to loch Sunart, amidst the ancient oak forests with the rugged mountains behind us.

loch Sunart

MartinsCyberSpace is just what it says – a space to post ideas and thoughts to share on the web and a portal to their various websites.


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