Hi there everybody that is kind enough to visit my personal site and its varied ramblings. My apologies for not posting for the last few months, but I have been recovering from a stroke. Luckily I am seemingly undamaged, but it knocks the “you know what” out of one and it takes time to […]
RUSSIAN DNA DISCOVERIES Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained. The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains […]
Coffee is exactly what you need for healthy blood pressure… Yes, it’s the same coffee you drink every day but with ONE critical difference. It’s green and it has less caffeine than a cup of decaffeinated coffee! The most significant blood pressure breakthrough in 25 years The coffee I’m talking about is extracted from […]
A lady helps her husband install a new computer. Once it is completed, she tells him to select a password, selecting a word that he’ll always remember. As the computer asks him to enter it, he looks at his wife and with a macho gesture and a wink in his eye. He selects a word: […]
The focused target markets for the campaign will be in accordance with the two cities’ primary tourism source markets of the USA, UK, Germany, the Netherlands, South Africa (and, through DSTV, into Africa), India, China and Australia. The United Nations World Tourism Organisation’s research shows that up to 80% of international tourists are in search […]