Dec 302010

The Health Benefits of Bicarbonate of Soda


Keep The SecretFrom foot odor to flatulence, this magical compound can take care of it all.

Most of the medicinal benefits of bicarbonate of soda come from its natural antacid properties.

Let us now discuss the immense health benefits of bicarbonate of soda and why you should always have it handy.


For age spots: A paste of bicarbonate of soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions can lighten age spots when used as a pack on affected areas.

For itching, hives, bites and stings: Apply a paste of sodium bicarbonate mixed with water to ease pain and itching.

For foot and body odor: Bicarbonate of soda can neutralize bacteria that cause foot and body odor. A paste of the compound with water can help clear athlete’s foot.

For foot pain and splinters: A foot soak made of 150gms of bicarbonate of soda with equal quantities of Epsom salts can reduce soreness and minimize nerve pain.

For oral problems: Oral bacteria produce acids that can corrode the teeth enamel. A bicarb rinse several times a day or before going to bed can protect the teeth from untimely decay.

For heartburn: Heartburn is caused when digestive acids make their way up to the tract. A tablet or teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate along with the few drops of lemon juice acts as an antacid and provides instant relief. The same works for dispelling painful wind in case of indigestion and flatulence.

For household cleaning: 4 tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate in a liter of water makes a eco-friendly and non-toxic multipurpose cleaner for the house.

For nappy rash: Bicarbonate of soda added to a baby’s bathwater soothes the irritated skin and promotes faster healing.

For sore throats and mouth ulcers: Acid producing bacteria can cause lot of pain and agony. Add a teaspoonful of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of water and gargle every four hours to neutralize the acids.

For sunburn and heat rash: Bicarb can ‘soften’ bath water which makes for a comforting soak for agitated skin.

For UTIs: Drinking a solution of bicarb can ease the burning sensation while urinating by balancing the acids in the bladder.

Article by  Shuchi Kalra 

Bicarbonate of Soda -Best of Health to You

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