loch Arkaig leads into the land entry through wild mountains,
to the Knoydart peninsula, otherwise only accessible by sea.

loch Arkaig leads into the land entry through wild mountains,
to the Knoydart peninsula, otherwise only accessible by sea.
The beaches of Ardnamurchan are stunningly beautiful, quiet and thankfully out of the way. All you need is a long trip to the far north western highlands of scotland, a rare sunny day and the ability to handle very cold water.
Through the mountains, to the far wild west of the highlands, runs the rail line to Mallaig, a gateway to the western isles. As it passes through the tunnels in these wild mountains, but before it runs along the loch that lies between them, a strange and little known event occurs. Yes, you will see […]
Returning home to the western highlands from Edinburgh, I crossed a windy Ranoch moor at sunset in gloomy sleet with little visibility. But, as I reached the entrance to Glencoe, the sky opened briefly and all was transformed. Before me a pyramid of dramatic power appeared, as if the sidhe had cast a spell allowing […]
We were driving home from foraging for wild mushrooms in the ancient forest We had to drive around Ben Hiant which is on the most westerly peninsula of Britain in the highlands of Scotland, guarding the entrance to Loch Sunart […]
My wife Susan and I were walking high up on the mountain behind our house in Ardnamurchan. It is in the western highlands of Scotland, looking out over loch Sunart. We were checking our water supply, which is from a strong stream about half way up from the top. Nobody comes up here except for […]
Loch Linnhe is the starting point of the great glen in Western Scotland which ends at loch Ness and Inverness. Loch Linnhe runs inland for miles from the open Atlantic ocean, past the isle of Mull and on to Fort Willam at the foot of Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Britain. On route and […]