Apr 122020

The mountains of dragons and spears were dark and foreboding under storm filled clouds. Then the sky opened like heavens eye and – I saw the light.

I saw the light

The Drakensberg Mountain Range includes the highest mountains in Southern Africa. The name means Dragon Mountains in Afrikaans and is called uKhahlamba in Zulu which means “barrier of spears”. Large parts of the Drakensberg were declared a world heritage site in 2000 due to its ecological and cultural diversity.

Apr 072020
Rhino Peak - Drakensberg

Spent a wonderous day with friends and family in the southern drakensberg several years ago and caught part of the mountain range including the Rhino peaking out of the clouds. (: excuse the pun 🙂 Rhino Peak is 3051 meters high and is named after one of the most endangered species on the planet. The Drakensberg Mountain […]