The young guy interviewed at the beginning of the video is the seventeen year old Martin, serving my 1st of two contracts with Mike Hoare’s 5 commando in 1964. A very serious university of life from which I learned a great deal.

The ruined Castle Tioram (pronounced Cheerum) is sited on the rocky tidal island Eilean Tioram (the Dry Island) where the waters of Loch Moidart & the River Shiel meet. Though hidden from the sea, the castle controls access to Loch Shiel. It commanded the water routes from loch Shiel east to Loch Sunart and northeast to […]

Loch Linnhe is the gateway to the great glen. It is where the gaels, called the Scoti by the Romans, created the kingdom of Dál Riata in the western highlands of Scotland, to which I feel very connected. The kingdom reached its height under the rule of my 44th grandfather Áedán mac Gabráin (r. 574–608). This shot was […]
3D printed houses are amazing, cut costs, save time and have come a long way in the last few years. Enjoy this great documentary
Pictures are worth a thousand words
The beaches of Ardnamurchan are stunningly beautiful, quiet and thankfully out of the way. All you need is a long trip to the far north western highlands of scotland, a rare sunny day and the ability to handle very cold water.

A visitor in the garden of our neighbors John and Nora in Durban, on the cliffs above the valley of a thousand hills in South Africa. These steep cliffs which are still wild, extend for many kilometers and manage to sustain several large species, including leopard, genet, caracal, duiker, steenbok, black and green mamba, vine […]

The mountains of dragons and spears were dark and foreboding under storm filled clouds. Then the sky opened like heavens eye and – I saw the light. The Drakensberg Mountain Range includes the highest mountains in Southern Africa. The name means Dragon Mountains in Afrikaans and is called uKhahlamba in Zulu which means “barrier of spears”. Large […]

Spent a wonderous day with friends and family in the southern drakensberg several years ago and caught part of the mountain range including the Rhino peaking out of the clouds. (: excuse the pun 🙂 Rhino Peak is 3051 meters high and is named after one of the most endangered species on the planet. The Drakensberg Mountain […]